Knights Walk: Background to Demoltion

Knight’s Walk is a small part of the larger Cotton Gardens Estate in Kennington, and was designed by George Finch in the 1960s. Finch was an in-house architect at Lambeth whose other buildings include the Brixton recreation centre and Lambeth Towers.

Not having any issues with costly refurbishment or any fundamental structural problems to begin with, the purpose of the demolition of Knight’s Walk is solely to free up the land to build more homes.

Located in Zone 1, and a 5 minute walk from Elephant and Castle, and Kennington Tube, the land is valuable, and the council are proposing to take the opportunity to maximise the benefits of this asset by demolishing the homes and increasing the density 5 fold, selling off a percentage of the flats privatively to fund the construction of the rest of the homes.

ASH believes that the desire to capitalise on this land for economic reasons, and build new homes to satisfy an election promise, is not sufficient to bulldoze people homes and destroy their community. We believe that there are many alternative ideas which should be exhausted before homes and communities are destroyed, and we are currently working with the council to find alternative solutions, both on and around the site, as well as wider strategies across the borough.

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