The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Volume 2

The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 2 — February 2023

by Simon Elmer

Hardback: £30.00
Paperback: £20.00
E-book: £10.00 (please specify that you are paying for a copy of this book, and check your junkmail for the return email with the e-book)

Look Inside


Everything we’ve been told about the coronavirus ‘pandemic’ over the last three years has been a lie. Nothing we have been told is true. Whether we did or do choose to believe it is not a question of opinion, or what we call ‘our’ politics, or even of our trust in authority. Those in authority in our society, as in every other across the world and throughout history, didn’t get there by telling the truth: they got there by lying. If we chose to believe them — and as a ‘people’ the British did so in overwhelming numbers — it was because we were scared, and our fear made us stupid, it made us compliant, it made us weak, it made us turn to the liars in authority and ask them to tell us what to do — worse, to demand that they tell us what to do, and not only us but everybody else too.

No-one who wanted to could not have failed to realise, very early on, that we were being lied to. There were and are no grey areas between what was and wasn’t true. The truth was and still is there for anyone who wants to find it. The lies were and are easier to listen to, for they are everywhere, in every mouth, across every screen, loud and stupid and unbelievable except by an act of will — not to truth but to believe easy lies.

But the difficult truth is that only cowards believed them, that only cowards can possibly choose to continue to believe them after three years of unrelenting and universal lying. It is on this collective cowardice, and on the acceptance and repetition of lies to the point that they are now enforced by the authorities as truth, even when secretly scarcely anyone still believes them, that the ‘New Normal’ has been constructed. And the unpleasant truth is that this tells us something about where we are, in the UK, as a society and perhaps, in the West, as a civilisation, as well as about the terrible place we are heading.

Collected in two volumes, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, these articles are for the unafraid, for those trying to find their courage, for those searching for the truth, for those who want to expose the lies to others, and for those looking for a way to fight back.

List of Contents

1. Bonfire of the Freedoms: The Unlawful Exercise of Powers Conferred by the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 | 2. Bread and Circuses: Who’s Behind the Oxford Vaccine for COVID-19? | 3. Bowling for Pfizer:  Who’s behind the BioNTech Vaccine for COVID-19? | 4. Our Default State: Compulsory Vaccination for COVID-19 and Human Rights Law | 5. Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: Manufacturing the Crisis | 6. Cui Bono? The COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy’ | 7. The UK ‘Vaccination’ Programme (Part 1. Adverse Drug Reactions and Deaths) | 8. The UK ‘Vaccination’ Programme (Part 2. Virtue and Terror) | 9. The UK ‘Vaccination’ Programme (Part 3. Resistance) | Bibliography

About the Author

Simon Elmer was born and lives in London. In 2002 he received his PhD in the History and Theory of Art from University College London, and he has taught at the universities of London, Manchester, Reading and Michigan. In 2015 he co-founded Architects for Social Housing, for which he is Head of Research. His books include The Colour of the Sacred: Georges Bataille and the Image of Sacrifice (2007); The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022); Virtue and Terror: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 1 (2023); and with Geraldine Dening, The Truth about Grenfell Tower (2017); Central Hill: A Case Study in Estate Regeneration (2018); For a Socialist Architecture: Under Capitalism (2021); and Saving St. Raphael’s Estate: The Alternative to Demolition (2022).

Publication Details

Publisher: Architects for Social Housing (February 2023)
Distributed by Lulu Press, UK
Language: English
Hardback and paperback: 342 pages
ISBN 978-1-4716-9271-0 (clothbound)
ISBN 978-1-4709-0198-1 (paperbound)
Dimensions: 15.87 x 2.54 x 23.5 cm | 15.24 x 1.94 x 22.86 cm

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Thanks to the generous work of Pablo Stern, my book is now also available as an E-book. For reasons I state in the Introduction to Volume 1, I’d much prefer you bought a hard copy; but if you’re hard of seeing and prefer an e-reader, you can order it as follows:

  1. Click on the link above for the E-book.
  2. Ignore the PayPal option. On Donate to Architects for Social Housing CIC, fill in ‘£10.00’. Click ‘Donate with Debit or Credit Card’.
  3. Fill in debit or credit card details, billing address and contact information. Click ‘Agree & Donate Now’.
  4. We will receive a notification from Lulu of your £10.00 payment by e-mail, and will send a copy of the E-book to your e-mail address.

Please note, it took me 18 months to research and write these articles and another 4 months to edit them into two volumes, so please don’t share these E-books. For obvious reasons, I don’t have a publisher for books that contradict everything we’ve been told over the past three years, and this is the only way I can make some financial return on my work. Thank you. Otherwise, whatever format you purchase, I hope you find my books informative, interesting and useful.

Simon Elmer
Architects for Social Housing

44 thoughts on “The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Volume 2

  1. Have just ordered your latest two, Simon. Looking forward to reading them. Thank God there is someone writing on this strange new world from a perspective that is neither that of the duped Left nor that of the “occult” Right!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This may not be the place to suggest it, but if you are looking for somewhere to do a ‘book launch’ in the West Midlands, one such venue may be Birmingham Truthjuice, a fortnightly event at the E57 Club, Alcester Road (the A453), King’s Heath, easily accessible from the M42, J3. You should be able to find its website easily enough.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry, that should read the A435. Further along into King’s Heath, on its High Street and listed on the Birmingham Truthjuice website, is a cafe called Plant ‘n’ Plate. Copies of the Light Truthpaper are available for customers to read, if you have any booklets, leaflets etc of or about your articles that you might want to leave there.


  3. Just listened to your podcast with James Delingpole, having listened to the previous one as well (and my husband has read your Road to Facism book). Very interesting. I want to give up my iPhone and have a Nokia ready to hand, but, as you quite rightly say, it’s an addiction and it’s easier said than done to give it up. Besides which, I struggle with re-learning how to use and operate the old brick phone.
    My husband and I are up for any in-person meetings you fix up in the future. I couldn’t find any other way of contacting you on this website except here!


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